The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) will host its 29th Annual Business Golf Classic at Worthington Manor Golf Club, 8329 Fingerboard Road, Urbana, Maryland on Friday, September 13.
The chamber’s tournament affords golfers the opportunity to grow their business and play golf at the same time. This tournament is intended to offer enjoyable golf and the opportunity to network.
At the Chamber, relationship building is what it’s all about. Our golf tournament is a great time to do just that – meet new people, reconnect with others”, said Marilyn Balcombe, GGCC Executive Director.
Golf is an extremely important networking tool. It has long been said, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” and simply put, a golf course is a great place to get to know someone. You are out on the course, beautiful day, you’re having a good game, your foursome is enjoying themselves and you’re all having a great time. A situation like this could very possibly be considered work.
Golf is a game that involves a lot of downtime so it affords plenty of opportunity for quality conversation. Take advantage!
The Chamber’s tournament offers its members and guests a variety of sponsorship opportunities for them to either play and/or network with business colleagues, gain exposure, build good will and get brand recognition for their business. At this tournament over 100 business owners, representatives and supporters can complete their round, win prizes, compete in golf contests, enjoy food and drinks and have an ultimate golf experience.
A portion of the proceeds supports the Montgomery College Scholarship Fund. We are committed to workforce development & investing in Montgomery College students.
Tournament Schedule:
- Driving Range Open: 8:00 am
- Registration Begins: 8:00 am
- Putt*A*Rama: 9:15 am
- Shotgun Start: 9:30 am|
- Award Reception: 3:00 pm
Tournament Features:
- Scramble Scoring
- Beat the Pro
- Hole in One Contest
- Closest to the Pin
- Longest Drive
The GGCC is grateful to its sponsors, golfers, volunteers and Worthington Manor Golf Club.
The GGCC golf tournament sponsors include:
Tournament Sponsor
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center
City of Gaithersburg
Hughes Network Systems, LLC
Montgomery College
Golfer Gift
DeLeon & Stang, CPAs & Advisors
Therrien Waddell, Inc.
Reception Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Morgan-Keller Construction
Scheer Partners, Inc.
Therrien Waddell, Inc.
Golf Balls
Minkoff Development Corporation
Closest to the Pin Men
Old Line Bank
PJ Horan, financial planner is the Chair and Master of Ceremonies for the event
The GGCC is active in providing business-to-business networking opportunities throughout the year: a collective voice in local, regional, and state legislative affairs, professional development opportunities and other services that enhance the business environment.
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